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All experience is preceded by mind,
Led by mind,
Made by mind.
Speak or act with a peaceful mind,
And happiness follows
Like a never-departing shadow.

                                                          Buddha, the Dhammapada


Happy Hour Series on the Insight Meditation Center (IMC) YouTube Channel

Guided meditations on heart cultivation practices, such as: loving-kindness (metta), compassion (karuna), sympathetic joy (mudita), equanimity (upekkha), gratitude (katannuta), etc.

Various ongoing dates.  Held on Zoom and live-streamed on IMC's YouTube channel.  Please check my calendar for ongoing dates and join us live at

What About Enlightenment?

Moderated panel, from the 11th Global Conference on Buddhism, Berkeley, CA, 6/29/2019

Moderator: Nikki Mirghafori  

Panelists (right to left): Ayya Anandabodhi, Norman Fischer, Richard Dixey, Gil Fronsdal

Awe and the Study of the Mind

3 minute excerpt. Recorded at Spirit Rock Monday Night,10/15/2018


Being a Scientist of Your Own Mind

1 minute excerpt. Recorded at Spirit Rock Monday Night,10/15/2018


Wise Livelihood

Recorded at Insight Meditation Center, 1/28/2019



Recorded at Insight Meditation Center, 7/15/2019


Love in the Time of Fire

Recorded at Spirit Rock, 6/25/2019


Mindfulness Daylong Retreat for the Deaf Community

Recorded at Insight Meditation Center, 8/15/2015


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Talks on the IMC YouTube Channel

All of my talks on the Insight Meditation Center (IMC) YouTube Channel

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